
2011-2012 Beekley Foundation Officers

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Apr 052011

At the end of the Annual Foundation Meeting at the Crew Classic, the Foundation’s officers were elected. Please support the following people:

President: Jake Wittler
Vice President: Andy Olson
Treasurer: Jon Singer
Secretary: Dan Smith

 Posted by at 7:29 PM

Crew Classic Annual Meeting

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Apr 032011

On April 3 at 5:30PM, 19 people met at the Crew Classic for the Annual Beekley Foundation Meeting.

During the meeting, many topics were discussed. Current President Jake started off discussing the state of the foundation. The membership remained stagnate at about 35 members. The foundation did hold its first golf tournament last June, and is putting on the second annual tournament in June.

The focus of the foundation was to originally create a large endowment fund to help fund a full time coach. This goal is unchanged, but the much of the short-term focus of the foundation will switch to getting more alumni involved. This will involve hosting many small events throughout the year, including the main events hosted by the foundation. Due to the limited amount of time available to the officers of the foundation, these smaller events will be run by the members of the foundation.

The full set of meeting minutes can be read here

The first event will be a Padres game hosted by Mike Clodfelter sometime in May, and BBQ event will be lead by Joe Whitaker this summer. Stay tuned to this website (and check your email) for more information.

Go Aztecs!

 Posted by at 5:07 PM