Why was the H. Del Beekley (HDB) Foundation Created?

The foundation was created in order to provide financial support and stability to the Men’s Crew program at San Diego State.

Who is in charge of the Foundation?

The Foundation is run by a 5 member board. Four of the board members are elected by the general membership of the foundation. The fifth board position is held by the President of SDSU Men’s Crew. This will ensure that the team will have a strong voice in the direction of the foundation

How do I make a donation to the Foundation?

Currently the best way to donate to the Foundation is to send a check written to “SDF – H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation” to the foundation mailing address (below). The “SDF” in front of the name stands for the San Diego Foundation which is where the initial fund for the H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation has been established. Please also feel free to contact the Board if you wish to make a more complex donation such as property or shares of stock which can also be done through San Diego Foundation.

H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation

Can I get a tax deduction if I donate to the Foundation?

Yes! The Foundation has established a fund with the San Diego (SD) Foundation. Using this account, the Foundation can offer a tax deduction to all our supporters

What are some of the goals of the Foundation?

The Foundation intends to provide financial support to SDSU Men’s Crew for coaches’ salaries, equipment purchases, race entry fees, and other operational costs. The Foundation will only act as an auxiliary source of funding and does not intend to fully replace the fundraising efforts of the team members. The Foundation is currently a California non-profit association and is currently pursuing incorporation as well as federal non-profit, 501(3)(c), status.What is the Foundation doing to ensure the long term support of SDSU Men’s Crew?The Foundation is using a large portion of the funds donated throughout our first few years to establish an endowment with the SD Foundation. The professional fund managers at the SD Foundation will assist our Foundation in receiving the best return on investment possible. In addition to creating the endowment fund, the Foundation will also be making annual grants directly to the team to help with near term finances and coaching expenses.

Who can join the Foundation?

Anyone who wishes to support the foundation can join. The foundation has two membership levels, general and provisional members. In order to qualify as a general member a person must have been a member of SDSU Men’s crew as either a rower, coxswain, or coach. Anyone who does not qualify as a general member will be granted provisional membership.   (See the section on Membership in our Bylaws for official rules)

How can I contact the board?

The best way to contact the members of the Board is through the use of the Contact Us page on the H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation website (http://beekleyrowing.org). Using the Contact Us page will ensure that your message is delivered to all members of the Board and that your questions or feedback are answered in a timely manner.



 Posted by at 3:59 AM