Happy Summer SDSU Rowing Alumni, Supporters, and Friends!
We hope your summer is off to a good start and you are enjoying the extra hours of sunlight this time of year brings.
The rowing season may be over but the Foundation is in full swing working with the team to prepare for another successful year of Aztec Rowing. This includes having a few open slots for current Aztec oarsmen to row at San Diego Rowing Club through the summer for free, thanks to the generosity of Foundation/SDRC members. Any current rowers in town for the summer wanting to keep their fitness and technique sharp can contact Bernie at info@beekleyrowing.org for more info.
Padres Game Night 2019
Join the Foundation for another summer Padres Game Night on Saturday July 27th vs. the San Francisco Giants! Tickets will be between $25-$30. RSVP to info@beekleyrowing.org by Tuesday July 9th to reserve your seat with us at one of the nation’s most beautiful ballparks! We will have a pre-game meet up at 5pm – more details to come.
Consider joining our growing list of monthly donors
A boat cannot move fast without many oars working in concert to build momentum. Likewise, the purchase of the Pocock 8+ this year could not have been possible without the support of small donations from alumni across all years. Consider doing your part to help make the foundation successful by contributing monthly via our new online donation system.
Future Beekley Foundation Events
- July 27, 2019 – Padres vs. Giants Alumni Game Night
November 9, 2019 – Alumni Row, Homecoming Football Game/Tailgate
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