To the Aztec Alumni, Supporters, and Friends… Happy New Year!

2021 Alumni Row – Recap
After a forced (and very long) “off-season”, the team was finally allowed to bring back special events and gatherings. Kicking it off was the 2021 Fall Alumni row, in which alumni shake off the dust and row alongside the current athletes for a casual practice. This year saw an impressive number of attendees – 18 alums.
Many were locals but some, such as former Team President Royce Cumming, made an effort to travel from the East Coast to show support!
Team Update: Fall Recap
Aztec Rowing is back! The team was finally able to flex their competitive muscles and venture forth into the 2021 fall racing season. For the mostly novice crew, the San Diego Fall Classic was their first experience at an official regatta, and they ended up walking away with a solid learning experience and clear understanding of how much work they needed to put in to be ready for the sprints in the spring. Starting the next week at practice, Craig saw a renewed spirit and focus from the team as they prepared for the Long Beach Sprints which would be the only other race for the Fall and a first introduction to sprints for most of the team. They ended up racing a “Varsity” 8 with six of the top novices in it and beat the UC Varsity 8. They also raced two Novice 8’s that collectively won 2 out of the 6 races they competed in and ended up within a boat length of the UCLA 8 that the Aztecs trailed by a much wider margin just a few weeks prior.
After the Long Beach Sprints, the team wrapped up their fall season with commitments from 18 novices to not only come back in the Spring, but to participate in a winter training schedule designed by Coach Craig to help the team come back ready to hit the ground running in the Spring. As with most rebuilding years, the team also plans to recruit on campus again with the intention to bring at least another 8 of novices into the program to increase the teams depth and ensure a larger squad of returners to kick off next Fall.

Fall Classic Boat Christening
We at the Beekley Foundation are immensely grateful and proud to announce that in 2019, your cumulative donations helped purchase a Pocock 8+ for the team. As per tradition, the boat was finally christened via a ceremonial champagne bath at the San Diego Fall Classic.
As many of you already know, boats are often named after a person of significance with respect to the strength and tradition that is the hallmark of Aztec Rowing. The newly christened CWO4 George Louis Gadsden is no exception.
We were honored to have close friends and family of George Louis Gadsen in attendance at the race. After the racing, a catered lunch was held in their honor.
To all those who attended, especially those closely related to the Gadsen family…thank you.
Read more about George Louis Gadsden here.
2022 Golf tournament registration is open
The Foundation is pleased to announce that on Saturday Feb 12th, 2022 we will again be hosting the H. Del Beekley Foundation Golf Tournament at the beautiful and centrally located Admiral Baker golf course. As with previous years, the tournament will be hosted in a Scramble format that has each foursome working together to get the best score per hole and keeps things fun and competitive for even the most novice golfers. More details about the event event can be found at our eventbrite registration site located here
If you’re unable to attend the event but still want to help, please consider sponsoring a rower at a reduced price, or reach out to if you have any items that you’d be willing to contribute as prizes for the event.
Alumni Events
Date | Event |
February 12, 2022 | Golf Tournament |
March 25, 2022 | (TBD) Crew Classic Banquet |
March 27, 2022 | H. Del Beekley Annual Meeting |
Team Racing Schedule
Date | Event | Location |
February 19, 2022 | Gruenberg Cup | TBD |
March 5, 2022 | Cal Challenge Cup | Newport Harbor, Newport CA |
March 12, 2022 | Newport Regatta | Newport Harbor, Newport CA |
March 26-27, 2022 | San Diego Crew Classic | Mission Bay, San Diego CA |
March 30-April 1, 2022 | WIRA Regional Championships | Sacramento, CA |
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