
Crew Classic 2017 Final Update

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Mar 312017

Aztec Alumni, Family and Supporters,

Crew Classic weekend is finally upon us and we’re looking forward to a great weekend of racing and catching up with old friends.  The weekends events kick off with the Varsity 8 in Heat C of the American Specialty Health Cal Cup at 7:36 AM on Saturday morning.  Then the 2nd Varsity 8 will start at 9:20 AM in Heat A of the Sharp Memorial Cup.  Then the Novice 8 will close out the days preliminary schedule at 10:52 AM in Heat B of the Derek Guelker Memorial Cup.  Those of you not attending the race in person can follow along on the USRowing live stream at and catch the results on the official results page at

After the acing events of the day conclude, we’ll also be returning to the tradition of hosting the annual meeting of the H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation at 5:00 PM in the SDSU tent at the race course.  This meeting is open to all alumni of the mens rowing program, and all current members in attendance will have an opportunity to vote on and/or run for a seat on the board for the upcoming year.  If you’re not currently a member, the meeting will be a good time to make a donation of $25 or more to officially become a member.  This year we know we will have a couple of board positions open, so please let us know if you have interest in serving for the coming year.

Sunday’s racing events will be determined by the results of the races on Saturday.  All updated heat information will be posted on the results site at as the heats complete and the lane assignments are drawn.  Please check back for updated information.

In addition to any racing that happens on Sunday, we will also be hosting the annual BBQ at the team tent starting at about 11:00 AM.  As usual, we will be serving carne and pollo asada burritos with all of the fixings that we’ll be grilling up on site.

We look forward to seeing you at the events of the weekend.

Go Aztecs!

 Posted by at 5:18 AM

Crew Classic Recap!

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Apr 102016

It was great to see everyone at Crew Classic again this year!  Once again, we had a good turnout of rowers from quite a few generations!  Once again, we were treated to some exciting racing, and a nice BBQ by Eric, Andy & Dan!

We had out Beekley Foundation Annual meeting, and of course, it featured elections for the different positions on the board:

* President – This position (and an at-large position) will continue to be held by Aaron Pollock and Michele Pius.  They rowed at SDSU in the mid-1980s, and have been huge supporters of the team since then!

* Vice President – Andy Olson returns to the board after a few years off.  He was a founding member of Beekley Rowing Foundation, and rowed at SDSU in the late 1990s/early 2000s.

* Treasurer – Steve Lewis.  This is Steve’s first time on the Board of Directors, and he rowed at SDSU in the early 1990s.

* Secretary – Dan Smith.  Dan continues as secretary for the 6th consecutive year.  He rowed at SDSU in the mid to late 1990s!

* At Large – Scott Petry.  Scott rowed at SDSU in the 1980s, and rowed on the US National Lightweight team before pursuing a career in business.  This is Scott’s 3rd consecutive year on the board of directors.

 Posted by at 5:51 PM

Crew Classic 2016!

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Apr 012016

The spring rowing season has flown by!  The team is more than half way through their race season.  They swept the Gruenberg Cup against Long Beach St. and USC earlier this season, and are focusing on peaking this weekend at the San Diego Crew Classic!

The varsity men kick off the Crew Classic in the Cal Cup at 7:28AM on Saturday.  They will compete against UCSD, Purdue, Notre Dame, UC Davis and Sac State.  The JV team goes next…at 9:28 they compete against Yale, Stanford, Santa Clara & USD.  At 10:52, the novice team races against Oregon St., Santa Clara, UCSB & Notre Dame.  (The second novice boat races on Sunday at noon).  Each race is being televised live on YouTube:

…Speaking of Sunday, we will be having our Foundation’s annual meeting right before the BBQ at the SDSU Alumni tent.  That will take place around 9:30AM (the time may move a bit to ensure everybody can watch the team race).  This meeting covers what has happened to the Foundation over the previous year, and elect officers for the next year.  Once the meeting finishes, the BBQ will be fired up for some tasty carne and pollo asada burritos!

This is a great chance to meet the current rowers, reconnect with some old teammates and meet new friends!

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Go Aztecs!

Dan Smith
H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation
SDSU Crew 1997-1999

 Posted by at 7:43 PM

Feb 2013 Beekley Foundation Newsletter (SDSU Crew)

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Feb 162013

Everyone at the Beekley Rowing Foundation wants to wish you a Happy New Year!  The rowers on the team have been out on the water for the last month and they have been working hard every day.

This month, we have quite a bit to report.  Please let us know if you have any questions about the team, or any topics we should cover, let us know!  (Expect a formal agenda sent out next month)

* Team Update
* Team Schedule
* Boat Dedications
* Foundation News
* Old Trophies
* Crew Classic


Team Update

The SDSU Crew team has steadily been growing in size the last few years.  Last year, the team finished the season with one Varsity 8, a Varsity 4 & a Novice 8.  Now that school has started at SDSU, we’re pleased to see that there are 2 full varsity 8s, and three novice 8s rowing every day at practice.  Many of these rowers are lightweights, so expect to see the rebirth of our successful lightweight program!


Team Schedule

The schedule isn’t 100% set yet for the season, however we know that SDSU has entered into the following races.  We will keep you up to date with the changes

* The Gruenberg Cup:  February 23, 2013 – SDSU will take on Long Beach State & USC in the first edition of the Gruenberg Cup.  (Yes, this event is named after former SDSU rower Josh Gruenberg)

* Desert Sprints:  March 9, 2013 – SDSU travels to Tempe, Arizona to take on ASU

* Parker Cup: March 16, 2013 – SDSU faces traditional rivals LMU & UCI for the Parker Cup in Misson Bay

* The San Diego Crew Classic: April 6 & 7 – SDSU will enter a varsity 8, two novice 8s and lightweight 8 against schools from across the nation.

* WIRA: April 28, 2013 – SDSU travels to Sacramento to race the majority of the crews on the west coast

* ACRA Championship: May 26, 2013 – SDSU hopes to qualify for the ACRA championships in Georgia once again.  (This race is now considered the club sports teams’ National Championship)


Boat Dedications

This year, at the H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation meeting, we will be dedicating 3 new shells that have been donated to the SDSU Crew Team!

* The Eric Barge
This brand new Resolute Eight was purchased by Josh Gruenberg and is being named after former rower Eric Barge. Eric rowed during the mid-1980s for SDSU, and has been a supporter of the team ever since. When he is not seen watching the Aztecs on the water, he can often be seen at SDSU football games. The varsity guys will be the first team to ever row in this shell, and it is the most state of the art shell available.

Scott Petry used his connections to the Cal rowing program to purchase two lightly used Vespoli 8s.  These two new shells are significantly faster than anything the team currently rows in, and was manufactured with the latest technologies.  It is my understanding that the names are being kept secret until their unveiling over Crew Classic weekend

* The Emilia William
A few years ago, the SDSU Crew Team had amassed a $5,000 debt on a boat they had purchased.  When the team was unable to pay off that final payment, Chris Carlson stepped up and helped the team pay off that shell.  The boat had not been named, and the team has affectionally referred to it with a variety of names, including “The Black Boat” and “No Name”.  The team is happy to announce that this shell will be formally named “The Emilia William”, which is named after his two kids!  We will not be doing an official christening, as this shell is 10 years old, however, we wanted to recognize Chris and his family here.


Foundation News

*  Earlier this year, we ran a fundraising campaign to raise money to help update the team’s equipment.  Thanks to everyone who donated, as rowers from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s all kicked in to help.  The team now has 3 new 8 man shells, several new sets of oars, 5 new “cox-boxes” (speakers to allow the coxswain to be heard by all 8 rowers in the boat) and we were able to fix a bunch of broken (or nearly broken) components on our boats.

*  The foundation also raised enough money to purchase two more “4” man shells from Cal.  There are some logistic hurdles (within the Cal program) to get these shells purchased, but we look forward to making an announcement on when these shells will arrive soon!


Old Trophies

Since the foundation has started, we’ve been working with the team to make sure that the traditions established by the team continue forward in time.  There are several old trophies that haven’t been seen around the program in many years.  If you have one of these old trophies, please let us know ( so that we can arrange for it to be returned to the team.


Crew Classic 2013

This year, the San Diego Crew classic takes place on the weekend of April 6 & 7.  This is one of the most exciting events on the rowing calendar.

H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation Annual Meeting

* The H. Del Beekley Foundation Annual Meeting is taking place in the evening of April 6.  We are still looking for a place to hold the meeting.  At this annual meeting, we will discuss the state of the foundation, the state of the team, we set goals for the upcoming year, and the meeting culminates with the election of the next set of officers.  If you have anything specific you would like to see
addressed at the meeting, send an email to

Alumni Boat(s)

* Once again, the H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation will be sponsoring at least one alumni boat.  We currently have an entry in the Alumni category, which pits alumni from different crew teams against one another.  Also, if enough people are interested, we could enter another boat into a “Masters” category.  Rowing in the event costs $100/person, which includes your H. Del Beekley dues, enterance to crew classic and food at the Crew Classic.  (Those who have donated at the Coach’s Club level ($730/year) who wish to row are able to row for free)

* For those who are not willing to put in the training for a 2000 meter race, but would be interested in getting back into a shell, we are exploring the possibility of an alumni row, where a group of rowers will head out for a non-competitive row one morning or evening. Let us know if you are interested in participating in this event. (

Alumni Tent

* The past 7 or 8 years the SDSU Alumni tent has fed hundreds of hungry rowers, alumni and family members.  This year will be no different as we will be cooking up Carne & Pollo Asada burritos for your enjoyment.  Dan Smith and Andy Olson will be there volunteering to cook, but with the team size having grown from year to year, we may need some more volunteers to help us cook/cut/serve. If you’d be interested in helping us out, let us know by sending an email to

 Posted by at 4:38 PM

Head of the Harbor Results

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Nov 182012

Hello All,

Today was the Head of the Harbor, and the end of the Fall racing season. Today’s Aztecs did “well” – much better than in recent times – but, nothing like what happened much of the time in your days. One step at a time, little-by-little, things are changing. Here is my “report” to you – I hope that as I spend time couching things for you, I don’t come off as making up excuses. We have a long way to go …….. but I wish to pass along the fact that we are moving, once again, ‘UP.’ My mantra to myself now, when I or we don’t live up to my expectations, is to remember the axiom = “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”

I think that it is safe to say that this Fall was “successful” in that a couple of important corners were turned. The team was doubled in size, for one thing, and the Varsity – which now does not have to add beginners into its boats every other day – is improving along with the Novices. More to do, of course = lots, really. But some important changes are occurring in tone and level of expectation ……… and, overall, the culture is beginning to feel the impact of you guys being around (Aaron Polllock came to the races again = he has been at every, single event this Fall = Eric Barge and Scott Dillard were there with coaching support and our Aztec Tent, food, and water – as always!!!!!!) and of the new equipment.

Our Varsity Lt. 4 had nobody to race in its classification, and so they raced heavyweights. They rowed reasonably cleanly and did not come in last …….. but were just overwhelmed by the size problem (they are very, very small – even for lightweights – they are positively tiny). The Varsity 8 had a row that was not bad at all. This might sound odd to you, but instead of being a minute behind at the end (last year’s experience), they were just a couple of lengths off the back.

The Lightweight Novices were let down when both USC and UCLA’s coaches pulled their crews from the race = this would have been their chance to race against “pure novices.” Instead, the championship NARC crew was put out there (and spanked us – to be sure) and Coast (yes – Orange Coast is now entering into the fray in lightweight rowing) put in a preppie crew. We actually did pretty well to hold onto the experienced Coast crew until the last 1K!

The 2nd Novice 8 came in 3rd (behind Coast – duh – and Irvine, which is now just about the deepest club team in SoCal), defeating USC, UCLA, and UCSB. The 1st Novice 8 also came in behind Coast and Irvine – too – and trailed USC (again – preppies involved here). They defeated UCLA, UCSB, and LBSU.  (We found out later that both UCLA nd UCSB had about a half a boat of preppies each).

The world certainly has changed, with all of these experienced freshmen rowing for so many teams (both of the crews in our town – USD and UCSD – give financial support to incoming rowers …….. no kidding!!!!!!!!!), but I think we are on the right track. After talking to kids and coaches from all over, I am convinced that we have the BEST “genuine novices” in SoCal. Maybe not where we want to be, but – again – the first steps are being made …. and I like the attitude of these young men.

Well, you know that I can talk forever – about Aztec Crew in particular – and so I will just say bye for now, and that you’ll get another update in a few days.


 Posted by at 6:27 PM

More Posts

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Nov 182012

Our coach, Doug Perez, frequently sends out emails to his many contacts.  These emails can be sent as often as 3 or 4 times a week.  I’m going to start posting some of these emails, so you can stay in closer contact with the team!

 Posted by at 6:26 PM

November 2012 Alumni Newsletter

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Nov 032012

Hi Everyone,

The fall rowing season is here!  In this month’s newsletter, we will cover the following topics:

*  Team Status
** Varsity 8
** Lightweight 4
** Novice Program
** USC Scrimmage
* Fall Schedule
* Fundraising Update
* Fall Alumni Event (Nov. 11)

Team Status

This year’s team is the largest team SDSU has fielded in the better part of a decade.  The team currently has a Varsity 8, a lightweight 4, and 3 full novice 8s.

Varsity 8:

This year’s varsity 8 features many returning rowers from last year’s squad, along with several novice’s that have returned from the previous season.  Unlike previous years, all 8 rowers are heavyweight guys, and will not be pulling double-duty with a lightweight boat!

Lightweight 4:

The 4 rowers that raced in the ARCA championships have graduated.  However, a new batch of lightweight rowers are looking forward to exceeding the accomplishments of last year’s 4.  One exciting thing is that this team is the first full time lightweight team SDSU has had in many years!

Novice 8s:

This year’s team has 3 full novice 8 boats at practice every morning.  The potential of this team is very exciting.  There are a few lightweights and heavyweights that are already surprising the coaches with solid erg scores.  The team has been rowing by 8s for the past couple of weeks, and have been improving greatly every morning.

USC Scrimmage:

On October 13, the USC Trojan Crew traveled to San Diego to perform a scrimmage against the SDSU Aztecs on Mission Bay.  USC has about the same number of rowers as SDSU, so this was a good chance for the two teams to get an early season indication of where each boat was.

The varsity 8 lost to USC’s team by a couple of boat lengths, however, they were significantly faster than they had been in years past.  The lightweight 4 followed the tradition of many previous SDSU lightweights by beating the USC heavyweight 4 by multiple boat lengths.

The first Novice 8 also lost by a couple of boat lengths to the top USC novice 8, however, they had an equipment failure during their piece, as well as an adventure trying to make a turn.  The second and third Novice 8s all won their pieces by a significant margin.

At this event, a large number of alumni (Gregg Buckley, Mark Leeds, Scott Dillard, Allan Miller, Mary Miller, Aaron Pollack, Josh Gruenberg, Michelle Pius, Eric Barge, Marisa Barge, Carter Goodnough & Dan Smith to name a few) fed the rowers after a morning on the water.  It was quite fun hearing old stories (some for the 10th time 🙂 ), and encouraging the current rowers

Fall Schedule

If you are around Southern California, and you want to watch a race, feel free to stop by and talk to the team & coaches:

Sunday, 11 November = “San Diego Fall Classic” on Mission Bay
Sunday, 18 November = “Head of the Harbor” in the LA Harbor.

Fundraising Update

Everyone from the foundation wants to thank you for your generosity.  We’ve received donations from over 25 people from all eras (1960s, 1970s, 1980s & 1990s), and many more have promised to contribute.  The total amount of the contributions already received is over $15, 000 and your generous donations keep rolling in!  Between what we have received already, and the commitments from our former rowers, we will have raised over $100,000!  Special thanks goes out to Josh Gruenberg for helping fundraise for a brand new Resolute and to Scott Petry, who worked his contacts at Cal to help donate two like-new boats and some oars to the team.

We are encouraging all former athletes to donate something.  It’s a great opportunity to support the team, and let’s get donors from all of the eras to help rebuild the team!  Feel free to contact us ( if you have any questions.

Fall Alumni Event (Nov. 11)

The past several years, SDSU Crew has hosted a fall event for our alumni.  This year’s event will be on November 11, at the north end of Ski Beach.  The festivities begin at about 7:30AM, where we will be able to watch the teams race.  The last rowers should be approaching the finish line around 10AM. Once the racing is finished, we will dedicate a new shell called the “Henley ‘85”.  This boat is going to recognize the 1985 team that represented SDSU in the famous regatta.

The Board of Directors at the Foundation is going to provide some food for this event.  Andy has volunteered to provide some of his tasty smoked meats, and there will be some other munchies there, too.  Let us know if you want to attend, so we can provide enough treats for everyone!


Donations are always accepted, and as a 501(c)3, any donation to the Beekley Rowing Foundation is tax deductible.  Feel free to contact us ( or at:
H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation

 Posted by at 7:31 AM

2012 Fundraising Effort

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Oct 102012

In September 2012, the H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation kicked off a fundraising effort to help fund new equipment for the rowing team.  Coach Doug Perez writes the following:


We have heard in the last five days from a bevy of new donors. Commitments have come in from John Denker, J.J. Jingali, Greg Moore, Leif Olsen, and – just today – Don Miner. WOW! People seem to be getting on board on a rolling basis!!!!!!!

And too, as I intimated a week ago, Scott Petry has re-thought his already amazing commitment – and is now purchasing two, matching, state-of-the-art 8s … one for the Varsity Heavies and one for my Novices. Then too, he has purchased several sets of oars to go along with them. Again – WOW!


We have received almost $14,000 in donations at this point (not including commitments from others) and we have received money from rowers from just about every decade: 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s & 2000s.  If you can help out with this effort, please consider donating.  (The goal is to purchase 3 new 8’s for the team, plus a new 4, and a set of oars to go with each shell)

 Posted by at 6:07 AM

Beekley Foundation Annual Meeting Minutes

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Apr 152012

Thanks to everyone who came to the annual meeting at Woodstock’s pizza.  We had quite a few former rowers (and current rowers on the team) make it out.  Since the team made 25% on whatever we purchased, I’m sure that the team made a couple hundred dollars!


The meeting began a few minutes after 6PM (the scheduled start was 5PM, however, many members requested a delay to watch the novice 8 race in the petite finals)

All 5 officers (Jake Wittler – President, Andy Olson – VP, Jon Singer – Treasurer, Dan Smith – Secretary & Lawson Navarro – Team President) were present, as well as about 20 alumni, a handful of team members and a handful of supporters.

Lawson talked about the status of the team.  There are 33 active members of the team (28 rowers and 5 coxswains).  The team has been growing the past few years, and the team looks forward to seeing a larger turnout next year.  After Crew Classic, there are 3 races left for the team.  The team is looking to raise some money to travel to Georgia for the ARCA rowing championships (in a lightweight 4 boat)

Dan spoke about some of the items the foundation has worked on over the past year.  We were able to send out more emails to our alumni, we helped organize the “War Games”, where the William Francis was dedicated.  From a social standpoint, a bunch of former Aztec rowers went to watch the Padres play last August, and we look forward to seeing you at the SDSU/UNLV baseball game on May 5.

Jon talked about the foundation financials.  The endowment fund still has around $11,000 in it, and the “day to day” account currently has about $1,500 available.  There are many ways to donate, cash and check can be mailed to the foundation, and we will be happy to provide you electronic routing information.

Andy was looking for ideas on how to get more alumni involved.  The foundation hasn’t grown as much as we had hoped.  Our long term goal is to generate enough money for an endowment to subsidize a full-time coach’s salary.  Some ideas were generated, and will be put into action by the board.

The same board was reelected.

Thanks to everyone who came.  We look forward to everyone attending the next meeting:  April 6, 2013.

 Posted by at 1:55 PM

Late March 2012 Newsletter

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Mar 302012

Hello Former Rowers, Alumni and Rowing Supporters,

The San Diego Crew Classic is rapidly approaching, March 31 & April 1.  This is the biggest event on the Beekley Foundation’s calendar.  Like every year, it’s a great opportunity to meet the current rowers on the team, see alumni from years past that you have not seen in many years, and be able to set the direction for the foundation for the next year (including electing the next set of officers).  Keep reading below for more information about the Crew Classic:

Crew Classic
* Team events
* Annual Foundation Meeting
* Concert
Team Schedule after Crew Classic
Team spot on ESPNU


Crew Classic

As noted above, the Crew Classic is right around the corner.  Come stop by, watch the team race and enjoy a beautiful weekend on the bay.


Crew Classic Team Events

This year, the SDSU Men’s Crew team will be sponsoring 2 entries.  The Varsity 8 races on Saturday at 7:40 AM against Drexel, Notre Dame, USD, UCLA, Rollins & Arizona State.  (Depending on how they finish, they could race again Saturday afternoon (3:30PM), or Sunday morning (8:40AM or 10:30AM).

The Men’s Novice race begins on Saturday at 10:20AM. The “novies” will face UC Davis, Gonzaga, Rollins, University of British Columbia, Champan and UCSB.  If the team finishes in the top 4 spots in their heat, they will either race at 5:30PM on Saturday evening or at 11AM on Sunday morning.

The Beekley Rowing Foundation has also sponsored an alumni boat.  That boat races on Sunday at 12:20 against Rollins Alumni, UCSB Alumni, Santa Clara Alumni, Brown Alumni, Crew Runnings and Notre Dame Alumni.


Crew Classic Foundation Meeting

This year we will be having our annual foundation meeting at 5PM at Woodstock’s Pizza in Pacific Beach.  We’ve arranged to make this meeting a fundraiser for the team as well.  Present the attached coupon to the Woodstock’s staff when you order, and the team will get 25% of your purchase.  (We will have extra coupons at the race course on Saturday if you forget to print out your own)

As usual, the meeting agenda is filling up.  If there is anything specific you would like to see discussed, please let us know ( or bring it up during the Open Forum.

Beekley Foundation Meeting
Woodstock’s Pizza

I. Welcome & Introductions (Foundation President, Jake Wittler)
II. Team Status (Team President Lawson Navarro)
III. Foundation “Year in Review” (Foundation Secretary Dan Smith)

i. Frequent Emails

ii. War Games

iii. Padre Game

iv. SDSU Baseball Game (May 2012)

IV. Foundation Financial Review (Foundation Treasurer Jon Singer)
V. Desire to get more people involved (Foundation Vice President Andy Olson)
VI. Open Forum
VII.  Election of Officers (Jake Wittler & Andy Olson)


Crew Classic BBQ

Once again, the Foundation will be putting together a BBQ on Sunday, April 1.  We will have our normal Carne & Pollo Asada Burritos for your enjoyment.  This is a great place to sit back and watch the races while meeting new people and seeing old friends.

The team will be selling gear for you to purchase.  If you need a new SDSU Crew Shirt, hat, sweatshirt, bumper sticker or any other goodie, this is a great opportunity to pick it up!


Crew Classic Concert

For those of you who enjoy good beer and good music, the Crew Classic is hosting a new event called the “Brew and Crew.”  This event features 15 local breweries sampling beer, plus musicians.  Tickets are $40, and they include 10 beer tastings, plus admission to the main Crew Classic racecourse.


Team Schedule after Crew Classic

The Crew Classic marks the start of the second half of the year for the team.  The schedule is as follows:

4/14 → Covered Bridge Regatta in Dexter, OR
4/21 → Parker Cup in Newport Beach, CA
4/28 – 4/29 → WIRA races on Lake Natoma, CA

If you happen to be in the area on one of those weekends, stop by and support the team!

Team Spot on ESPN U

Earlier this season, the SDSU Men’s Crew team filmed a spot that will air on the Jumbotron at Crew Classic, plus will be shown on ESPN U during the telecast of Crew Classic.  Make sure that you find the time to watch this!


Donations are always accepted, and as a 501(c)3, any donation to the Beekley Rowing Foundation is tax deductible.  Feel free to contact us ( or at:

H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation

 Posted by at 8:19 PM