The H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation cordially invites you to participate in our 6th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser on Saturday, Feb 24th at the Mission Trails Golf Course in San Diego.
The morning will start off with player check-in opening at 9:15 AM. At that time players will get a golf cart, have an option to grab some range balls, and take some practice swings at the driving range before our tee times begin at 10:00 AM. Then we’ll kick off our Scramble format tournament through the links. So, whether you consider yourself a pro or more of a duffer, you’re sure to have a great time and end the round with a solid score!
In addition to the tournament itself, we will have a couple of challenges along the course for anyone who elects to buy the Bonus Packs. The first will be the Longest Drive competition where you can unleash your best drive and put yourself in the running for a prize at the end of the event. The second challenge will require a bit more finesse as you take aim to get the closest to the pin on one of the shorter holes on the course. If the big drive and pin challenges elude you on the course, your bonus pack also buys you raffle tickets to put you in the running for prizes at the end of the event.
All net proceeds from the event will go directly to the H. Del Beekley Rowing Foundation. The success of this event depends on the involvement of many individuals as well as business sponsors who participate in the event and sponsor tees or raffle items. If you or your business are interested in sponsoring a tee or the event through in-kind items, or would like to make a straight donation, please contact the Beekley Rowing Foundation board by emailing info@beekleyrowing.org.
The following registration options are now open on our Square Checkout registration site. Online registration will close on Sunday, February 11th at midnight, so head on over and sign up for the event. Or better yet, rally up a foursome of your buddies and take advantage of reduced pricing for a Foursome with Bonus Pack. And remember, while this event is hosted by the Beekley Rowing Foundation, participation in the event is open to all! We’re looking forward to seeing you on the course!
Registration Options
Foursome or 3 Players + Sponsor an Athlete – $400
Includes golf and carts for 4 golfers. Only have a three-some? We’ll round out your threesome with a current team member.
Foursome Bonus Pack – $90
Includes 4 Closest to the Hole, 4 Longest Drive and 120 Raffle tickets
Single golfer – $105
Includes golf and spot in a cart to be grouped with 3 others
Single Under 27 Golfer or Athlete Sponsorship – $90
Includes golf and cart for people under the age of 27
Under 27 foursome – $350
Includes golf and cart for 4 people under the age of 27
Bonus Pack – $25
Includes Closest to the Hole, Longest Drive and 30 Raffle tickets
Tee Sponsor – $150
Includes a professionally made Tee Sign with your logo on the course and 30 Raffle Tickets