State of the Team – Fall Racing Season Is in Full Swing
The Aztecs have been recruiting, training, and racing hard. As you read this the team has raced in the Rowing Cares Regatta in San Diego, and is training for the Pancake Regatta in Long Beach as well as the San Diego Fall Classic. Currently the team is racing a varsity 4, novice 8, novice 4, and a women’s novice 4.
In addition to training and academics, the team is planning many fundraising events, including: a letter writing campaign, working local events such as Bookfest, a Cane’s fundraiser at the Santee location Dec. 6 2pm-10pm, and an auction that will be announced soon (auction items will include cruise tickets, Kendra Scott necklaces, and museum tickets).
You can see the team’s schedule and fundraisers here.
Foundation Buys Much-Needed Boat Parts
Over the Summer the team requested help with the purchase of much-needed parts to service and repair their racing shells. The Board voted to approve, and committed to paying for over $5,000 in parts. Except for some back stays coming from Australia, the parts have been received and installed. The H Del Beekley Rowing Foundation is proud to be able to assist the team in getting race-day ready!
Padres Game with the Team

Past and present Aztec Crew members turned out for the Padres final home game win against the Cardinals. It was an exciting 12-2 battle that included lots of nods to the US military, including a flyover by two F-35 aircraft. There were many novices on hand to enjoy a day at Petco Park and meet the “old guys”. We’re all looking forward to another day at the ballpark next year! Special thanks to Assistant Coach Brett Stinson for organizing the event.
Homecoming Tailgate – On Hold
Initially we were planning on holding the annual Homecoming Tailgate on Saturday 11/4. Unfortunately the football team is having what we like to call a “rebuilding year” and interest in the homecoming tailgate has been thin. Thus, we will plan on coming back in 2024 with renewed vigor and – hopefully – a revitalized Aztec football team. Serendipitously this will give the team an opportunity to recharge after the Pancake Regatta, and be ready for the Alumni row and Fall Classic the following weekend.
Fall Alumni Row

On Saturday, November 11th, come join the current team for the Fall alumni row. Meet the new athletes, strap yourself into a late model shell, and relive your glory days! The alumni row is always a fun event, bringing together generations of Aztec rowers to pull for a common cause and reminisce about their personal rowing experience. Afterward, chat with the current Aztecs over bagels and coffee. If you plan to attend or have questions, please visit the event Facebook page or email Info@BeekleyRowing.org.
The following day – Sunday, November 12th – is the San Diego Fall Classic, so you can make a weekend of it! No wires-to-poles, we promise! The race schedule and course map can be found in this Google Doc.
Become a Mentor To A Current Athlete
Get to know a current rower and impart some wisdom! Join the new Alumni Mentorship Program to get matched up with an Aztec, share your experiences and provide guidance about rowing, career development, or life in general.
Get more information and sign up here.
Alumnus’ Lightweight Quad Takes 3rd at Worlds

Aztec Crew alumnus and former Beekley Foundation president Bernard Aparicio and his lightweight quad earned third place at the 2023 World Rowing Championships in Belgrade, Serbia! Third in the world is pretty amazing. You can read about their adventure here.